The Most Popular Kids Show on Television will not be seen at this time so that we may present…
Ross holds a ""phone-in"" contest to see which cast member is the most popular. All the kids wear numbers so that viewers can clarify their voting. At the halfway point, Kevin (wearing 111) is first. In an attempt to get more votes, Christine trades her ballot number (872) for a lower number (0). In the end, Zilch (Darryl) wins the contest even though he wasn't in this episode. They discover he won because Christine wore his number zero.
Christine McGlade, Les Lye, Adam Greydon Reid, Lisa Ruddy, Alasdair Gillis, Ruth Buzzi, Klea Scott, Alanis Morissette, Matthew Godfrey, Vanessa Lindores, Vik Sahay, Abby Hagyard