A dinosaur is spotted swimming around in Possum Lake. Bill shows campers how to store food in the woods. Red makes an interesting clock out of beer bottles. Harold tries to get a TV series going on how to achieve and maintain cool hair. Featured Members: Glen Brackston, the world’s laziest marina owner, and Ranger Gord, the loneliest man alive. Featured Expert: Hap Shaughnessy, the exaggerator, tells how he worked with Einstein on the Theory of Relativity.
Steve Smith, Patrick McKenna, Rick Green, Albert Schultz, Bob Bainborough, Derek McGrath, Gavin Crawford, George Buza, Graham Greene, Ian Thomas, Jeff Lumby, Jennifer Irwin, Jerry Schaefer, Neil Crone, Paul Gross, Peter Keleghan, Peter Wildman, Wayne Robson, Laurie Elliott, Gordon Pinsent