It's all hands on deck as the crew tackles a dilapidated wheel from a scrapped Scottish fishing boat, a worn out football mascot, and a well-worn commemorative cricket ball. Suzie is presented with a worn out cricket ball which is coming apart at the seams, then fine art conservator Lucia retouches the red colour and the gold inscription. Will is presented with an old ship's wheel in pieces but with Dom and Jay's help he gets the jigsaw of pieces back together again. Kirsten takes on the job of repairing the old Portsmouth mascot doll with some help from the bear ladies, Amanda and Julie. Brenton adds the finishing touch to the ship's wheel by making a cover to fit over the hub.
Jay Blades, Bill Paterson, Dean Westmoreland, Lucia Scalisi, Julyan Wallis, Dominic Chinea, Steven Fletcher, Kirsten Ramsay, Mark Stuckey, William Kirk