"The gods will not save you." -- Burrell
Colvin feels the sting of Burrell and Rawls during a Comstat assessment of his district's felony numbers; a blown wiretap forces Daniels's detail to turn to a new target; Proposition Joe cautions Stringer Bell that the police have been tapping phones. Carcetti continues to curry favor in Mayor Royce's inner circle.
Dominic West, Lance Reddick, Sonja Sohn, Wendell Pierce, Michael Kenneth Williams, Deirdre Lovejoy, J.D. Williams, Jamie Hector, Andre Royo, Aidan Gillen, John Doman, Seth Gilliam, Domenick Lombardozzi, Corey Parker Robinson, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Michael Kostroff, Reg E. Cathey, Clark Johnson, Tom McCarthy, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Neal Huff, Jermaine Crawford, Tristan Mack Wilds, Michelle Paress