After signing a defence contract with Alexander and Raymond Cromwell, Canadian Minister of National Defence, Charles Hope receives a phone call informing him that his only child has been kidnapped by Lok, someone Hope has formed a brotherhood with many years ago in darkness. Lok's only interested is in the technology that is being used to build Canada's newest missile interception system. Hope privately tells Alexander that he must withdraw from the project, and an alarmed Cromwell, who overhead the conversation, asks Alexander for advise as to how to handle this situation. He also tells Alexander that, without this project starting on time, he will loose his seat in the next Federal general election. Alexander calms him down with promises to look into it and tells Raymond to keep this story out of the press until some other time.
Simon MacCorkindale, Christopher Plummer, Patricia Cartier, Tom Kneebone, Andre Mayers, Sophie Michaud, James Purcell