From Nobel Laureate William Golding's (Lord of the Flies) epic sea-voyage trilogy comes the story of an ambitious British aristocrat, humbled by the lives of his fellow passengers, as he embarks on an ocean voyage for Australia where he is to be an official in the colonial government.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Jared Harris, Jamie Sives, Victoria Hamilton, Sam Neill, Daniel Evans, Chris Walker, Robert Hobbs, Joanna Page, Brian Pettifer, Paula Jennings, Thomas James Fisher, Adam Woolf, Richard McCabe, Tim Delap, Vanessa Pike, Jonathan Slinger, James Alexander, Tom Fisher, Joe Vaz, Denise Black, Jonathan Pienaar, Charles Dance, Cheryl Campbell, JJ Feild, Theo Landey, Damon Berry, Daniel Newman, Calum Callaghan