With her low-flying solicitor's practice incinerated by a disgruntled client, her marriage collapsing and motherhood fast losing its charm, Josephine Newton's old uni friend and not-so secret admirer, Lewis Hughes, persuades her to resume her briefly glorious career at the Bar.
As she rises to the challenge, though, trading the benefits of her brilliant mind for a berth in the lofty glamour of Knox Chambers, Josephine realises it's not so easy to leave her entourage behind.
Claudia Karvan, Toby Schmitz, Brett Tucker, Georgina Naidu, Sean Keenan, Miranda Tapsell, Andrew McFarlane, Jane Hall, Grant Piro, Freya Stafford, Ming-Zhu Hii, Will Ewing, Ella Newton, Makwaya Masudi