Mégantic is inspired by the events that occurred during the Lac-Mégantic rail tragedy in 2013. This fiction follows the destinies of Méganticois marked by bereavement and trauma, but also by solidarity, courage and heroism.
Julie Ringuette, Olivier Gervais-Courchesne, Lauren Hartley, Duane Murray, Isabelle Giroux, Catherine Paquin-Béchard, Karl Farah, Julie Trépanier, Isabelle Guérard, Éric Robidoux, Nathalie Cavezzali, Mélanie Dumais, Bruno Marcil, Fred-Eric Salvail, Joakim Robillard, Luc Senay, Sarah Anne Parent, Lily Thibeault, Vincent Fafard, Julie De Lafrenière, Alain Lépine, Alexandre St-Martin, Luc Bourgeois, Édouard B. Larocque, Stéphane Breton, Simon Lacroix, Charlie Fleurant, Laurent Bélanger, Sylvie Dubé, Guy Vaillancourt, Michel Gregory Dagenais, Raymond Cloutier, Jean-Philippe Perras, Hubert Proulx, Patrick Caux, Carla Turcotte, Alex Bisping, Jeff Lemay, Sophie Dion, Xavier Huard, Marc Assiniwi, Sasha Migliarese, Isabelle Drainville, Joseph Bellerose, Roch Aubert, Rashel Bessette, Anne-Julie Proulx, Francis-William Rhéaume, Sylvio Archambault, Jean-René Moisan, Simon D. Scott, Myriam Fournier, Nicolas Paquin, Benoît Finley, Eric Violette, Geneviève Beaudet, Patrice Bissonnette, Dominique Denis, Maxime Tremblay, Micheline Poitras, Dhanaé Audet-Beaulieu, Frédéric Lavallée, Roxane Tremblay-Marcotte, Marjolaine Lemieux, Sylvie-Catherine Beaudoin, Pier-Olivier Paquet, Monik Vincent, Madeleine Blais-Tremblay, François Mercure, Blaise Tardif, Guillaume Paquet, André-Luc Tessier
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